Conservation & Ecology

Conservation & Ecology

Plant Pulse is proud to serve a variety of conservation and ecology institutions. Our team of world-class engineers and scientists has developed a solution which is both robust enough to live in challenging conditions, and which is able to bring the leading scientific information from the academic community right to the fingertips of those on the frontlines of our conservation and ecological efforts.

Our solution provides an extremely accurate representation of plant health and plant water consumption - at both the individual and the aggregate ecosystem levels. We’ve worked hands-on with conservationists and ecologists to refine what we offer. Our devices work on any plants. Our systems work in any locations. Our analytics solution is tailored per individual species. And our world-class online dashboard is built to distil exactly the information needed to conserve our natural resources.

Join our growing group of conservation & ecology partners as we help them protect our natural resources.

About the mobile app

We take real-world results seriously. In fact, we have a globalplant physiology academic expert on the founding team. If you want to read upmore on the application of sap flow technology for conservationists andecologists, take a look here:

  • Water management institutions